The URL and title of this site are not really intended to claim that I'm a religious leader or moral authority for Muslims, though I'm okay with people seeing me as a teacher more generally.

This site name may sound like Khalif but it's spelled different because it's actually short for California.

My general understanding as someone who isn't Muslim and doesn't speak Arabic is that Khalif is a title similar to preacher or Rabbi and like Rabbi it roughly means teacher or steward and such religious leaders are always male, just like Catholic priests are always male. Poking around, some sources also suggest it's either a male name or a gender-neutral name.

My very first website years ago had CalifMichele as part of the URL and I no longer remember if it was a .com or not. I was living in California and my middle name actually is Michele and I was going by that instead of my first name in part because California is a place where a lot of people speak Spanish as their first language and Michele worked better for such people.

I ditched that first URL in part because I tend to be unintentionally controversial anyway and I didn't want the URL to be a source of perceived disrespect to the Islamic community. Hopefully, I'm smoother these days and less prone to unintentionally offending people and this will not become an issue. (Crosses fingers)

I created this site in private mode and published it with three posts after I felt satisfied. I promptly got an email that one of my three posts was flagged as sensitive content and people will get a warning and need to agree to be exposed to my smut before continuing.

Gee, Erin can speak of oral acts in a video, no big. I WRITE about it with no photos, FLAGGED by the morality police.

I'm not going to bother to argue it with the admins. I don't care. I imagine a lot of posts here will get flagged as sensitive content, probably for reasons I am INCAPABLE of sorting out because they flagged ONE of TWO posts that reference oral acts.

I'm just not CAPABLE of comprehending the weird hangups of most earthbound humans. I'm not going to spend my time trying.

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